Many of you know that our daughter Emily, went ahead of us to heaven 5 years ago. She had a very rare genetic disorder called CACT. She had the most extreme form of the disorder with almost no measurable amount of the enzyme that breaks down fatty acids. Primarily with a special diet and a lot of prayer, she lived 20 months longer than any of the other children diagnosed before her. Advancing medical science in the process.
Eliana is a child that Carolyn just became aware of that also has been diagnosed with CACT. Quite coincidentally Eliana is nearly exactly the age now that Emily was 5 years ago. I don't know how much of the enzyme Eliana has or the treatment that is being used. I'm sure medical advancements have occurred since Emily. I do know that Brian and Joy trust in the Lord and that has been all the difference in the world.
I encourage you to pray for them and visit their Facebook group. I also wanted to share a letter from Brian that was posted on their facebook group. Thank you.

From Brian's email....
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Thanks again for all of your intercession on behalf of our family especially Eliana. One of the greatest truth the God has shown me since we Eliana was born is that He is looking for weak humble people who need him to do the miraculous. God has miraculous brought Eliana out of the clutches of death and restored her vitality and life. I spent a while this morning simply thanking God for Eliana. Oh the things God has shown me through her life. I had several doctors and nurses stop in to see the "miracle baby". Over these last few months. She has been hospitalized 7 out of the last 8 weeks. Praise God she is home. Eliana has lost some of her developmental progress over the last few months. She is not babbling or trying to talk right now. She is not able to stand for any real length of time. She is simply special. Pray that she will gain these skills back and acquire new ones as well.
When we are at our weakest God is at His strongest. I believe this. Not that God gains strength, but I see Him dispense His strength more freely and powerfully. We have had more people come forward for membership. A couple of Sundays ago, while I was at my weakest, God showed off his everlasting strong arms once again. I had only had a couple hours of sleep as I was up late in the hospital with Eliana and rose early for Sunday services. I was tired to the point my stomach was sick. As I taught Sunday School I was having trouble keeping thoughts together. The class participants where gracious. As I went into the morning service i found a few minutes to just pray and ask God for help. I was preaching on Christ centered worship. I repeatedly asked the congregation to consider why they come to church. Several answers where given. I challenged them, that every time that we come to church we must come to see Jesus. There was a special spirit that day. At the end of the service a man approached me. I knew him from many years ago. He had never been to our church before. He is a tall strong military man. He began to confess that he started living for himself during his time in the army. He told me that he did not want to come to our church, but his sister (whose husband came to Christ at our church last fall) had been pestering him to come to our church. He kept saying I don't need religion I am fine. Well today he came to church to keep civility in the family. This strong military man in front of God and everyone began to weep. through his tears he chocked out a few words. "I saw Jesus today, I saw Jesus today and I gave Him my heart back". God did that. God's powerful strong arms broke the heart of a strong man. There are days that I wonder why this has all happened. Then God sends me a man like this to show me that there are people here that need Jesus just as much as they do in New Zealand. My friends, don't give up. Serve God. We cannot always choose which field we want to work, but we can always choose if we are going to work in the field. Mission is not a place, it's a people.
Thanks for all of your love and support,
Brian Denmsore
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Thanks again for all of your intercession on behalf of our family especially Eliana. One of the greatest truth the God has shown me since we Eliana was born is that He is looking for weak humble people who need him to do the miraculous. God has miraculous brought Eliana out of the clutches of death and restored her vitality and life. I spent a while this morning simply thanking God for Eliana. Oh the things God has shown me through her life. I had several doctors and nurses stop in to see the "miracle baby". Over these last few months. She has been hospitalized 7 out of the last 8 weeks. Praise God she is home. Eliana has lost some of her developmental progress over the last few months. She is not babbling or trying to talk right now. She is not able to stand for any real length of time. She is simply special. Pray that she will gain these skills back and acquire new ones as well.
When we are at our weakest God is at His strongest. I believe this. Not that God gains strength, but I see Him dispense His strength more freely and powerfully. We have had more people come forward for membership. A couple of Sundays ago, while I was at my weakest, God showed off his everlasting strong arms once again. I had only had a couple hours of sleep as I was up late in the hospital with Eliana and rose early for Sunday services. I was tired to the point my stomach was sick. As I taught Sunday School I was having trouble keeping thoughts together. The class participants where gracious. As I went into the morning service i found a few minutes to just pray and ask God for help. I was preaching on Christ centered worship. I repeatedly asked the congregation to consider why they come to church. Several answers where given. I challenged them, that every time that we come to church we must come to see Jesus. There was a special spirit that day. At the end of the service a man approached me. I knew him from many years ago. He had never been to our church before. He is a tall strong military man. He began to confess that he started living for himself during his time in the army. He told me that he did not want to come to our church, but his sister (whose husband came to Christ at our church last fall) had been pestering him to come to our church. He kept saying I don't need religion I am fine. Well today he came to church to keep civility in the family. This strong military man in front of God and everyone began to weep. through his tears he chocked out a few words. "I saw Jesus today, I saw Jesus today and I gave Him my heart back". God did that. God's powerful strong arms broke the heart of a strong man. There are days that I wonder why this has all happened. Then God sends me a man like this to show me that there are people here that need Jesus just as much as they do in New Zealand. My friends, don't give up. Serve God. We cannot always choose which field we want to work, but we can always choose if we are going to work in the field. Mission is not a place, it's a people.
Thanks for all of your love and support,
Brian Denmsore
Please visit the Facebook for those that are praying for Eliana at:
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